Arab Health has been the leading healthcare exhibition in the region, bringing together the world of healthcare

Arab Health has been the leading healthcare exhibition in the region, bringing together the world of healthcare
General –
Sales –
Customer Service –
Investment –
대한민국 서울 마포구 (본사)
대한민국 경기도 안양시 (공장)
대만 타이베이 난강구 (연구소)
서울특별시 마포구 양화로 81 H스퀘어 318호
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1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
Sub-One Co. Ltd. collects personal information according to items of personal information collected to receive customer counseling and process inquiries.
2. Items of personal information collected
– Required: Email
– Selections: Company name, mobile phone number
3. Retention and period of use of personal information
Sub-One Co. Ltd. shall be destroyed after storing the information for 3 years after the purpose of personal information collection and use has been achieved.
Provided, That if it is necessary to preserve it under the provisions of the relevant statutes, member information shall be kept for a certain period of time prescribed by the relevant statutes.